Finish it up Friday

The fronts (tops?) of these little coasters were done in an evening, but they languished while I bought grey fabric, and washed and ironed it, and pondered what to do with the backs.

I finally just went for a simple strip of squares, and quilted a box around the edge and around that strip.

I’m really pleased with the way these turned out, all sea glass and appealing, and I’m very excited to be past the 2004 mismatched felted coasters – wonderful, but a change was overdue.

I also got our paint samples up on the wall in the fish room where the coasters will go. So exciting. It’s the first time we’ve ever bought samples, usually we wing it based on the tiny color chips with mixed results, and I’m feeling very adult and polished about this extra step.

This might be my project next week, depending how much Halloween costume progress I make over the weekend. The ceiling needs to be painted too (in this room and in the hallway), so I’m gearing up for that, never fun but complicated by all of our can lights and the fish tank. Nuisance aside, I’m excited about how much nicer it will look when I’m done. This month marks our five year anniversary of being in the house, and I’m excited that this room is getting close to “done” after so many temporary stages. 🙂 And I’m amused that my small little coaster project has progressed into painting.

I’m linking to the “finish it up Friday” series on Crazy Mom Quilts. Fun to join in for the first time after reading her blog for years. 🙂

PS. Orange entry hallway? Cheerful possibility.