Hurray for Socks

Want to see one of my favourite things in the world?

New socks! And the two on the left have angora (thank you gap!!) and were on sale for $2 a pair, and the two on the right are all fancy and for boots. Sarah Duggan used to love socks in high school, and I never got it, but what? seven years later? I finally see the light.

Sadly, I can’t claim the same affection for these:

They’re moving along, but I’ve completely been weaned from my desire to knit k4 p2 ribbing for many feet (har har…) on size 2s. The heel turn was really exciting, but that came and went and now i’m just continuing in pattern for 7 inches. All you sock addicts out there have earned my respect.

We love buckets.

Want to see our bucket collection? 🙂

The three silver-blue ones are brand new (yay!), and this picture doesn’t include the one filled with saltwater that was heating in the living room. Our 7-bucket collection may not seem blog-worthy (I’ll bring back the knitting content tomorrow, promise.), but it’s exciting to us because now we can do twice-weekly water changes! 😛 (If that doesn’t make you think “yeehaw”, I don’t know what will…)

To go with our buckets, and in anticipation of our next fish, we also bought a little 10-gallon tank to serve as a quarantine tank. The idea is that new fish can stay there for 2-3 weeks, or sick fish can live there to be treated, and therefore you minimize disease in your main system. It fits on the counter perfectly, and we got a bunch of PVC tubing for hiding places. The quarantine tank is supposed to be easily scrubbable, so this is the limit for the decor. We still need siding so that the fish won’t have a heart attack when the front door opens, and a heater & thermometer, and to fill it with water (see the bucket part above), but we should be ready for our next fish sometime this week!

Happy 2005!

Happy New Year!

I’m not generally a resolutions person, but I have two this year:

  1. Learn to buy stylish shoes, like my sister.

    She always looks great, I only sometimes do. I think shoes would help. Perhaps look into pointy toes?
  2. Take out that box that’s been sitting by the front door and recycle it.

    It held the lights for our tank, is as tall as I am, has been there since november, and has to go.

Oh, yes: and get a job.

Addendum, 3:30 pm:

The box is out. I’m 50% of the new person I want to be. 🙂