So, astute blog readers (who check in despite the constant lulls in posting) will have noticed that I have finished 3 knitting projects in the last two days, which leaves me with only 2 projects on the needles. Isn’t that amazing?
The first is a pair of socks. Conwy from Knitting on the road, knit in the lovely Trekking XXL blue blend. I’m post-heel on sock 1. A great pattern, a great yarn, just needs some attention:
The second is a sleeveless top that I put aside a little over two years ago when I finished both front and back and realized no matter how you stretched them, they were each 13″ wide. A gauge debacle. The fabric is gorgeous, though (the yarn is super-cheap Handwork Cora that I bought off for about $2 a ball – gorgeous for lacework, and I would buy more in an instant if I could find it). I didn’t want to rip. I’m completely torn.
(Can you tell it’s been hot here? Poor toasty geraniums.) A gorgeous top, in theory. A few days ago, I suddenly realized how I might repurpose it, and now I am all aflame with knitting potential. I’ll keep you posted.
All of the knitting fervour is well-timed, since the Olympics begin tomorrow!!! Yay! Since we bought the house in October, we actually haven’t had a TV set up for more than a few days, so I was feeling sad about missing all of the broadcasts. But then Microsoft and NBC collaborated on a site:
There’s going to be on-demand video for all of the events, news, records, schedules, etc. Since my favourite events are all of the pool ones (swimming, diving, synchronized swimming), and I’m totally content to watch the heats, this is shaping up to be the 7th heaven Olympics. I’m foreseeing plenty of sports voyeurism and knitting in my near future. Summer knitting challenge: down to one project by the end of the games??
PS: Happy residential anniversary to us!!! On August 8th ’04, we arrived in Washington state to settle. We’re still here. We’ve bought property. The mountains are still uplifting each time I see them. Here’s to such a happy four years and many more!
PPS: It’s 8/8/08 today. For number fans, it’s a good day. (You may choose to celebrate at 8:08 or 12:34…. :-))