I haven’t forgotten about the Hidden Wells quilt for the daybed; I was just gathering steam (for several months) to work on basting it. The back, fill, and pieced top all need to be held together so that I can quilt them.
Last night finally seemed like the time, so I started. I only got about half way, though, before running out of safety pins.
Frustrating! (Though the work I did was sufficient to create a semipermanent safety pin-shaped groove in the tip of my index finger from all the closing.)
The pins are slightly unusual and bent at a 30° angle so that they hold the layers without stretching them. Here’s a closeup of them in place:
I’ll have to go buy another set or two so I can finish up.
The quilt looks wonderful! Try this to save your fingers http://www.hancocks-paducah.com/Item–i-KK-101
If you can’t find it, the ridges on a brass seam ripper can be used as well.
Best gadget: http://www.keepsakequilting.com/productdetail/8105.htm
Oh, cool. Thanks for the tips! I just bought 210 more of the pins, so a gadget to manage them sounds wonderful!