Clownfish Through The Fog

We had been having major problems with a slow, creeping brown slime across our sand, when we turned to Fenner and realized we had an oxygenation issue. I assumed that given the surface area of water in our tank, the skimmer, and the refugium, it wasn’t even something to worry about. However, the description (“smelly, brown bubbles rising to the surface”) was too exact, and I’m convinced that’s the problem.

In addition to using a venturi filter in our refugium (just the maxijet and venturi, no skimmer), I’ve been using a turkey baster to churn up the detritus in our water. After ten minutes or so, it looks like the picture below. Here are clowns in the mist:

It gets better every day, as the clouds of waste get churned up and caught in the skimmers, but I always feel like the fish hate me. In the sea, storms roll through and roil the sediment, and in our tank, it disapates after an hour or so. By the next day, the water is so clear it feels worth it, but I always have a pang of guilt seeing the immediate result.

Week Ten

This was a slow week for points for me, but luckily I was playing Bernard, who flouted conventional fantasy wisdom by choosing a team composed entirely of players for the Oakland Raiders (ouch). So, the mere 50 points I scored more than did the job against his 28. Game on!

Seneca Wallace, Sea 8
RB Marion Barber, Dal 12
RB/WR Laurence Maroney, NE 3
WR Terrell Owens, Dal 17
WR Reggie Williams, Jac 1
TE L.J. Smith, Phi 0
D/ST Patriots 4
K Jason Elam, Den 5
RB Shaun Alexander 0
WR Deion Branch, Sea 1
WR Jerricho Cotchery, NYJ 13
WR Reggie Brown, Phi 1
WR Keyshawn Johnson, Car 7
D/ST Seahawks 8
QB Jon Kitna, Det 7

Seneca Wallace was fun to watch again, but the points didn’t add up. My Dallas guys did their jobs with aplomb, despite the quarterback hoopla. I wish Maroney got points for his run backs after the kicks, but since he doesn’t, three points was generous. And L.J. Smith’s goose egg was very disappointing. Luckily though (thanks, Bernard! thanks, Raiders!) none of this really matters too much. With a one-game winning streak under my belt, on to next week!

The tang!

You ask, and I try very, very hard to comply, but the tang is one speedy little fish. I took 53 pictures, and the bulk of them looked like this:

or this:

Clearly, he’s in a blurry mood today. When he was new, he was inordinately skittish about daily events like putting in food or cleaning the tank (it makes you wish you could sit him down and explain that it’s all in his best interest). I assumed that he would settle down, but half a year later, he’s as hysterical and scandalized by the sight of me as ever.

That said, he’s a very smart and curious fish, and after 20 minutes of zipping about and hyperventilating, he stopped panicking and started shooting coy looks at the camera. He’s very skinny, and so head-on and tail-on shots visually don’t make sense (and with eyes on the side of his head, there are a lot of tail-on shots as he looks at the camera while zipping away). But then he stopped in what I think of as his “alert pose” — dead still in the water (even with current), looking at something “alarming”, and his fins fully extended in a vertical oval:

He may look like he’s looking away, but I assure you that those eyes are on the vicious photographer. A minute and a few tank-wide zooms later, I got a more relaxed “alert” pose, though still with eyes firmly on the camera. The horizontal light streak down his side is a typical adult marking. This becomes more pronounced at night (when the yellow body color fades to a white/yellow) or when he’s frightened (he can “lose” his colour then as well). You can also see the bright white “tang” at his tail, which extends away from the body and can be used to spike other fish in defense/pique. He’s quick and wary, and our tank is hardly threatening, but I have seen him use it a few times on the clowns in what seems to be startled irritation. The gramma is too leery of him to get close enough for it to be an issue between them.

Finally, after 45 minutes or so, I got a more natural pose. The tang uses his tail, and upper and lower fins to steer and for speed. This is a mid-speed turn to his left. As is typical, you can see the gramma heading the opposite direction — there’s really no love lost between the two of them.

And, I know the color isn’t true in this one (he really is that bright, full, sunny yellow), but this was such an unusual shot in that he isn’t squared to the camera. You can see the shape of his body, his side fins, and the tiger-striped eyes that are very accurate identifiers of where he’s looking.

Week Nine

Oh, Monday Night Football was a heartbreaker. I went into the game losing 35-68. I had Seneca Wallace and the Seahawks D left to play, and Martin had Darrell Jackson (the very hit-or-miss Seattle WR).

Seneca Wallace, Sea 12
RB Marion Barber, Dal 6
RB/WR Laurence Maroney, NE 6
WR Terrell Owens, Dal 13
WR Reggie Williams, Jac 2
TE Jermaine Wiggins, Min 1
D/ST Seahawks 19
K Jason Elam, Den 7
RB Shaun Alexander 0
WR Deion Branch, Sea 12
WR Jerricho Cotchery, NYJ (BYE) 0
WR Keyshawn Johnson, Car (BYE) 0
WR Reggie Brown, Phi (BYE) 0
TE L.J. Smith, Phi (BYE) 0
D/ST Patriots (BYE) 6
QB Jon Kitna, Det 15

Jackson came out of the matchup with only 3 points (a season low), and Wallace and the defense were awesome and amazing, respectively, but I still fell six points short. Argh. I should have played Deion Branch instead of Marion Barber, but I didn’t because Deion keeps being middling and Barber keeps doing so well whenever I don’t play him. I should trade him so that I stop being tempted. (Though, to be fair, I suppose I should threaten to dump Reggie Williams, since he was three times more dismal. For some reason — perhaps Williams’s one 21-point game? — Barber gets my ire.) And not to harp, but Seattle had two calls that should have been interceptions run to touchdowns, that were instead whistled dead, and so I was completely robbed. Either would have been the difference between a 3-6 team and a 4-5 one. Argh!

That said, I’m delighted that I picked up Seneca Wallace off of waivers (he’s spunky and has a great arm, and ran 3 plays for 45 yards! And he throws for touchdowns! It’s fun to cheer for the home team, too.), and Laurence Maroney continues to delight me. It’s such a pity that kick returns don’t count for running yards, or he’d be completely amazing. T.O. needs to do less talking and more catching, though for my sister’s boyfriend’s sake, it’s hard to mind that Washington won. And my plucked-off-the-line tight end didn’t do much at all. I can’t wait till next week when everyone isn’t out on their bye week. 🙂

P.S. It’s still raining…


The Seattle area has been experiencing one “storm system” after another blowing in from just north of Hawaii since Tuesday night or so. According to the weathermen, it should last through the weekend, and then abate. True to form, storm systems in Seattle (even constant waves of them) aren’t really that exciting.

It just gets even greyer than usual, and then it rains. I’ve been waiting for it to stop for a few minutes all week so that I can take the recycling out.
Kevin’s been gone all weekend for a trip back to Boston (where it’s clear and pretty but cold) to see fraternity friends, and so I’ve been hanging out, drinking tea, and watching the rain. It finally got below freezing this week, and so we decided to turn our heat is on, so it’s been comfy if housebound. One great thing is that there’s a beautiful collection of trees visible from my computer table that are all turned. They’re so bright compared to the weather — it’s gorgeous.

After taking this photo, though, I realized that it was dark enough at 1:30 pm for the neighbor’s front porch light sensor to have turned on. Bummer. I miss sunny summer weekends.

Fish Politics

I haven’t put up any tank pictures in a long time, so here’s one of the gramma and clowns for Friday. 🙂

Sorry about the flash. The gramma used to be the dominant guy in the tank, with the two clowns mostly trying to stay out of his way. When we added the tang, the balance shifted, since the tang and clowns tended to school together, and the gramma has a healthy respect for the tang’s tangs. (The tang has a retractable white spike on either side of its tail which it uses, effectively, for defense. These spikes are called tangs. The gramma is smart to be wary.)

Recently, though, the tang has become a bit more independent, generally leaving the clowns as a pair. Without the big yellow defender, they’ve regained some of their gramma-skittishness, even though they’ve both grown larger than the gramma in the intervening months. Must be his crotchety attitude.


I’m low on time or news today, so here’s a Xenia update:

The pink xenia (sold to us under the name of Pom-Pom xenia) recently decided to go questing for the light. It leaned against the rock above it, attached, and then started stretching upward. You can see it and its original footprint here:

I’m guessing that it has a month or so until the foot detaches and moves up to join the new base.

Our original xenia is still spreading, and still acting contained and tiny.

We had two failing offspring that we moved to the refugium, in the theory that the lower light would make them happier. One of them disappeared two weeks ago — very odd, it wasn’t miniscule — but the other is a complete free-spirited pulsing creature, and it’s already split off to make a twin. It really looks like the light is the difference, since all other parameters should be comparable.

Week Eight

Bummer about all the snake-eyes scoring this week, especially with a final score of 60-71. So many points for the taking! Reggie Brown did a nice job balancing out the 28 points last week, and Reggie Williams was disappointing at best.

Seneca Wallace, Sea 17
RB Leon Washington, NYJ 3
RB/WR Reggie Williams, Jac 1
WR Terrell Owens, Dal 13
WR Reggie Brown, Phi 1
TE L.J. Smith, Phi 1
D/ST Patriots 16
K Jason Elam, Den 8
RB Shaun Alexander 0
RB Marion Barber, Dal 16
RB Laurence Maroney, NE (BYE) 0
WR Deion Branch, Sea 20
WR Jerricho Cotchery, NYJ 4
WR Keyshawn Johnson, Car 1
D/ST Seahawks 3
QB Jon Kitna, Det (BYE) 0

I *love* Seneca Wallace, especially since most of his issues are on the receiver side. I snatched him off of the waiver list, and I’m delighted about it. Go Seahawks! Now he just needs a better connection with Deion Branch, and I’ll be raking in the late-season points. 😛 I should have played Barber, but at least I chose correctly between the Seattle and New England D.

Sunny and Fall

Kevin’s hamstring is finally getting better (he got cleared for the gym by his physical therapist! yeah!), and so we walked down to Kirkland for ice cream on Saturday. It was really a perfect fall day — such fun to have a sunny weekend after all of the recent gloom! The leaves are still mostly unturned, but the smaller ornamental trees are brilliant.

Here’s an orange tree:

And a red one:

And a picture of a deliriously happy lab — we stopped at one of the parks and hung out on a bench just watching all of the gorgeous crisp colors. This family was throwing a frisbee into the lake for this dog, who’d race out to get it, then bounce around onshore until they threw it again. Sadly, the bouncing meant that I only got his tail.

They made him sit before they’d throw it, but it was on the beach and I couldn’t see him. If you picture a soaking wet lab turning circles over the fun of coming back with the catch, you’ll have the idea. We gave up and headed for home before they did. 🙂